To better assist you with the healthcare of your pet, we've listed frequently asked questions for dogs and cats.
FAQs for Canines
FAQs for Felines
General Questions
What are Your Payments Options?
We accept cash, checks and most major credit cards, and Care Credit.
Payment is expected when services are rendered. When unexpected illness strikes, unexpected expense strikes as well. We understand this and are able to make some special arrangements through the Care Credit program.
What is Care Credit:
Care Credit is a credit card that is designed to help you manage your family and pet’s healthcare expenses. You can apply in person, over the phone, or online. Visit www.carecredit.com to apply today for immediate approval.
Do I Have to Make An Appointment?
No, But appointments are encouraged for your convenience. Appointments are seen before walk-ins, however, emergencies take priority. To make an appointment, please call (770) 725- VETS (8387), please specify a doctor preference if you have one. You may also request an appointment online.
What are Your Hours
For our current hours, plus directions, please visit our Hours & Location page.
Where is Mars Hill Animal Hospital Located
Mars Hill Animal Hospital is conveniently located near Highway 316 and Highway 78 in Bogart (Oconee County) Ga. Convenient to all who live in the Greater Athens Georgia Area. Find directions and map >